Section subcommittees
Section Subcommittees may exist in an Australian State or Territory and within New Zealand, to support the local work of State/Territory/New Zealand Faculty/Section members, if required.
- Faculty and Section Subcommittees Regulations [PDF; 121 KB]
Further information about each individual Section can be found on the Sections webpage.
- In consultation with the relevant Bi-national Section Committee, implement the relevant responsibilities of the Bi-national Committee at a local level as required.
- Develop, coordinate and promote local activities, including but not limited to, meetings, events for CPD, networking events, or local policy work as required for members in that jurisdiction.
- Respond to any queries and/or provide advice when requested from the RANZCP Board or other College committees relevant to the Subcommittee’s area of psychiatric specialty.
- Raise requests received directly from external stakeholders to the Bi-national Section Committee.
- Communicate with the local College Branch or New Zealand National Office in terms of promoting the Section Subcommittee’s activities in local communiques.
- Maintain close communication and collaboration with the Bi-national Section Committee, and the appropriate Branch Committee or New Zealand National Committee, on other College matters relevant to that Subcommittee.
The Chair of the Section Subcommittee, elected/reappointed by members of the Section Subcommittee, becomes the Jurisdictional Member of the Bi-national Section Committee.
The Chair is responsible for ensuring that all local activities have the appropriate Bi-national Section Committee approval and that the State/Territory Branch or New Zealand National Committee are informed of activities.
New South Wales Jurisdiction
Subcommittee | Current Chair |
Section of Perinatal and Infant Psychiatry Subcommittee | Dr Anne-Marie Rees |
Section of Youth Mental Health Subcommittee | Dr Gary Galambos |
New Zealand Jurisdiction
Subcommittee | Current Chair |
Section of Child and Adolescent Forensic Psychiatry Subcommittee | Dr James Gardiner |
Section of Electroconvulsive Therapy and Neurostimulation Subcommittee | Dr Christopher Gale |
Section of Psychiatry of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Subcommittee | Dr David Bathgate |
Queensland Jurisdiction
Subcommittee | Current Chair |
Section of Neuropsychiatry Subcommittee | Prof Harry McConnell |
Section of Perinatal and Infant Psychiatry Subcommittee | Dr Anastasia Braun |
Section of Psychiatry of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Subcommittee | Dr Catherine Franklin |
Section of Rural Psychiatry Subcommittee | Dr Andrew Amos |
Section of Youth Mental Health Subcommittee | Dr David Hartman |
South Australia Jurisdiction
Subcommittee | Current Chair |
Section of Electroconvulsive Therapy and Neurostimulation Subcommittee | Dr Anthony Dinesh |
Victoria Jurisdiction
Subcommittee | Current Chair |
Section of Neuropsychiatry Subcommittee | Prof Dennis Velakoulis |
Section of Psychiatry of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Committee | Dr Jennifer Harrison |
Meeting frequency
Section Subcommittee meetings are typically held as a mixture of face-to-face and virtual meetings. The duration of Section Subcommittee meetings may be different, depending on the meeting agenda.
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