
Showing 1 - 11 of 372

Model Summary Image 20 May 2024

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan 2024–2026 announced
26 July 2024
Applications are still open for the RANZCP Certificate of Postgraduate Training in Clinical Psychiatry (the Certificate).

The RANZCP is pleased to announce that applications for the September 2024 intake of the Certificate...

25 July 2024
RANZCP trainee engagement strategy update

Dr Elise Witter shares the objectives, priorities and progress of our trainee engagement strategy.

25 July 2024
PBS prescriptions issued from outside Australia

PBS entitlements are valid only if issued from within Australia or territories listed in the Nationa...

24 July 2024
RANZCP commends New Zealand government’s commitment to support survivors of abuse and their whānau
18 July 2024
New Editor for the Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry

Professor Steve Kisely has been appointed as the next Editor of the Australian and New Zealand Journ...

18 July 2024
Call for nominations: National Assessment Panel members

Find out what’s involved in being a National Assessment Panel member and how to nominate.

18 July 2024
Apply to become a Certificate supervisor

Fellows who would like to be involved in supervising and assessing Certificate participants are invi...

18 July 2024
Update: Best Practice Resources

An update on the College’s new approach to high-quality resources

18 July 2024
Telehealth Post-Implementation Review Final Report released

The Australian Government report reviews the appropriateness of telehealth and maintains the current...

18 July 2024
Updated College position on engagement with industry

The statement outlines College policy on acceptance of advertising and sponsorship from the pharmace...