Western Australia awards
CB Kidd Memorial Prize
Named in honour of the late Dr Cecil Kidd, the annual CB Kidd Memorial Prize is awarded to the student who is judged to be the best student in the psychiatry components in the course for the degree of Doctor of Medicine:
a) Firstly, the five students with the highest aggregate scores are identified by adding together the 2nd Year marks for the Psychiatry in-term assessments and written exam questions, and the 3rd Year marks for the Psychiatry ITAs, OSCE station (if applicable) and written exam questions.
b) Secondly, these students are invited to attend an Oral Prize Viva, at which time, the best-performing student will be selected by consensus of a Panel of at least three members including the Medical School’s Head of Psychiatry and the MD2 and MD3 Psychiatry Discipline Leads (or their proxies), and thus win the $1,000 prize.
Arch Ellis Memorial Prize
Named in honour of the late Dr Arch Ellis, the annual Arch Ellis Memorial Prize is awarded to the student who is judged to be the best student in the Psychiatry component in IMED5311/5312 Integrated Medical Practice 2:
a) Firstly, the five highest scoring students are identified by adding the marks from the Psychiatry questions in the written exams, the marks for the Psychiatry term, and the marks from the Psychiatry OSCE station (if conducted), with equal weighting for all components
b) Secondly, these students are invited to attend an Oral Prize Viva, at which time the best performing student will be selected by a Panel including the Medical School’s Head of Psychiatry and the MD3 Psychiatry Discipline Lead (or their proxy), and thus win the $1,000 prize.
Curtin University Prize
This prize is presented to a Year 5 student at Curtin University who demonstrates the highest achievement in psychiatry based upon academic marks in Year 3 and Year 4 psychiatry assessments and subsequent clinical placements of the MBBS course. The prize value is $1,000 each year.
Mark Rooney Memorial Prize
Named in honour of the late Dr Mark Rooney, the annual Mark Rooney Memorial Prize is awarded to the fourth-year medical student (MEDI6400) enrolled in the Doctor of Medicine (MD) program in the School of Medicine at The University of Notre Dame Australia, Fremantle, who has demonstrated outstanding ability and promise in the discipline of Psychiatry in the relevant academic year. The prize value is $500 each year.
WA Branch Meritorious Service Award
The RANZCP WA Branch Committee recognises service to the mental health of the people of Western Australia. The Meritorious Service Award (WA) is awarded on an occasional basis, to acknowledge outstanding contribution to the function of the RANZCP or the practice of psychiatry in a clinical, academic, or administrative capacity. The nominee is usually a Fellow of the College in Western Australia, but in some circumstances the award may be presented to an agency or individual who is not a College member who has contributed to the improvement of mental health in Western Australia.
Nominate an individual or agency for the WA Branch Meritorious Service Award using the online form below.