This page contains information about the Critical Essay Question Examination (CEQ exam).
About the exam
This exam assesses the capacity for critical thinking about issues relevant to the practice of psychiatry.
It is set at the standard expected at the end of Stage 3.
Examiners seek broad and deep knowledge of clinical psychiatry, governance and the practice of psychiatry in cultural and political contexts.
The CEQ tests the following:
- Ability to evaluate and critically appraise a proposition concerning psychiatry.
- Ability to apply an evidence-base in the critical assessment of such a proposition.
- Capacity for balanced reasoning.
- Ability to consider different points of view.
- Awareness of broader social, cultural and philosophical models of illness.
- Ability to express a professional opinion clearly in written prose under time pressure.
This exam is a summative assessment and is a requirement of the Fellowship Training Program.
Structure and format
The CEQ exam is a paper-based, hand-written exam that you complete at a testing centre.
The exam asks you to respond to one critical essay question, worth 40 marks.
The exam starts with a quote related to psychiatry. You will be asked to respond to the quote in an essay format, critically discussing this statement from different points of view and providing your conclusion.
You are allowed 50 minutes to complete the exam, including reading time.
You are eligible to apply for the CEQ exam after you have completed 18 months FTE training.
The RANZCP recommends that you take the CEQ exam in Stage 3, as the exam is set at the standard expected at the end of Stage 3.
You should have successfully completed the exam by 60 months FTE training.
Upcoming exam dates
- Tuesday 4 March 2025
- Tuesday 2 September 2025
For more details, please refer to the exam timetable.
How to apply
- Applications open: Monday 23 June 2025 8.30am (AEST)
- Applications close: Friday 18 July 2025 5.00pm (AEST)
Applications must be submitted via the "Forms" tab on InTrain.
No late applications will be accepted.
For exam day
Contingency planning
All RANZCP examinations have contingency plans in the event of covid or other emergency circumstances. Details of contingencies are published closer to the exam dates.
The College is mindful of the stress associated with examinations and the welfare of trainees and SIMGs. The RANZCP website has information about a variety of supports that may be accessed.
These include discussing issues with your DOT, principal supervisor and the Confidential Member Advice Line.
Proof of identity
On the day of the examination, you must provide a government issued photographic proof of identity (ID) at registration before you will be allowed to sit the exam. The ID must be either a valid passport or driver's licence (must be original and unexpired – not a photocopy or digital ID).
Incident report
If an incident occurs during your examination that could affect your performance or the outcome of the examination, please complete an Incident Report form within 5 working days of taking the exam.
A response to your incident report will be included in your result letter.
Results are published on the Results page on the dates specified in the examination timetable.
Individual result letters are made available via InTrain.
Preparing for the exam
Policy and procedure - essay examinations (CEQ and MEQ) [PDF; 132 KB]