RANZCP work against racism
The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists (RANZCP) takes great pride in representing a culturally diverse membership who provide high quality mental health care to equally vibrant communities in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand. We have a responsibility to ensure that everyone, regardless of their background, can access mental health care in a safe and equitable way.
The RANZCP’s Public Statement: combatting racism in psychiatry affirms our commitment to engaging with our members to better understand their experiences of racism within psychiatry and act accordingly.
Planned and upcoming college work
The RANZCP has a number of planned and upcoming works designed to further the work against racism:
Position Statement: Racism and the mental health and wellbeing of the psychiatric workforce
Position Statement: Racism and the mental health and wellbeing of communities
Anti-Racism Action Plan
Useful college resources
The RANZCP’s condemnation of all forms of racism is outlined across various items within our Code of Ethics. This statement builds on the existing work the RANZCP has done in this space:
Position Statement 42: Acknowledging the Stolen Generations and Apology for the role played by psychiatrists in the Stolen Generations
Position Statement 50: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health workers
Position Statement 96: The relevance of religion and spirituality to psychiatric practice
Initiatives and programs