Group psychotherapies
For this modality, complete all of the following:
20 hours of group observation. A group(s) must be observed in their workplace or in a natural setting, e.g. at childcare, in the community, for at least 30 minutes at a time totalling 20 hours with equivalent supervision.
One individual case, seen once per week for 1 year (at least 40 sessions).
One group case, seen once per week for 1 year (at least 40 sessions).
De-identified vignettes (<500 words) are required at the conclusion of both year-long cases addressing: the patient's presenting problem, formulation, psychotherapy treatment approach and outcome.
Two groups, psychodynamic or structured, occurring weekly for 16 weeks. (Can be the same group for 32 weeks.)
Brief vignettes are required at the conclusion of both groups addressing: formulation, therapeutic alliance, progress and termination.
If the same group is seen for 32 weeks, vignettes should be submitted at week 16 and week 32.
Individual supervision4 is required on a weekly basis during case work.
If the two 16 week groups (of the same group for 32 weeks) are complete, then the Stage 3 Fellowship psychotherapy requirement is considered met.
4For trainees, this psychotherapy supervision is in addition to the clinical supervision (4 hours per week over 40 weeks for full-time trainees) required for Stage 3 of the Fellowship Program.
Group psychotherapies – long case summary form [PDF; 152 KB]
Group psychotherapies – short case summary form [PDF; 158 KB]