RANZCP Foundation Research Grants
27 Jun 2024
Grants & awards
Every year, we make grant funding available to Fellows and trainees who are novice, emerging or established researchers, for studies in mental health.
Applications for the following grants are open from 1 July to 16 September 2024.
The Beverley Raphael New Investigator Grant
Professor Beverley Raphael AM FASSA was an inspirational and pioneering psychiatrist who changed many lives and uniquely broadened our field of psychiatry. This grant is designed to encourage new researchers who require funding to conduct a small-scale study. Grants awarded in 2023.
Value: Up to A$6,000.
Eligibility: RANZCP Trainees and Fellows in their first five years post Fellowship.
RANZCP Foundation Early Research Career Grants
The Early Research Career Grants are designed to encourage innovative research in psychiatry and to encourage those who might be new to research or intend to have a career in research. Grants awarded in 2023.
Value: Up to A$10,000.
RANZCP Foundation Catalyst Grants
Designed to give psychiatrist researchers at any career stage access to small-scale funds to assist them in preparing a pilot or proof of concept for a future study. These grants help researchers take their projects and proposals beyond an idea, to a point of readiness to apply for larger funding. Grants awarded in 2023.
Value: Up to A$5,000.
Eligibility: RANZCP Fellows or Affiliates.

"I am incredibly grateful for the support and recognition from the RANZCP Foundation towards this meaningful research."
2023 Beverly Raphael New Investigator Grant recipient Dr Chiranth Bhagavan

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