Pre-Fellowship Audits - Checking your training record leading up to Fellowship
6 Jun 2023
Trainee news
It is always a good idea to do regular checks of your training record, to ensure it is an accurate reflection of your training. The training report is a pdf document, downloadable via InTrain.
Regular checking is of particular importance leading up to the end of training and admission to Fellowship.
Applications for Fellowship can be made before the closing date for the appropriate round (1-3 weeks), giving the RANZCP Training Team time to assist trainees with rectifying any errors that may exist on the training report, while awaiting the final approval of recent paperwork submissions.
A thorough audit of the training record is done by the RANZCP on the application for Fellowship, but a pre-Fellowship audit can also be requested at any time. The audit will look at such things as:
- All Fellowship training requirements are complete by the closing date for the Fellowship round applied for
- Correct accrual of time (60 months overall, as well as appropriate accrual in each stage of training)
- The correct type and number of EPAs have been completed – the EPA handy tips document may be helpful, particularly the section regarding Stage 3 and the completion of ST2 Psychotherapy EPAs
- All assessments have been completed and correctly recorded
- Stage 3 psychotherapy cases have been correctly recorded – or cross-credited from Advanced Certificate training from those certificates that allow this to occur
- Leadership and Management completion has been recorded – a simple upload to the system that then goes to your DoT for approval
- Fellowship training Final Qualitative Report is completed in the final weeks of training – this is a simple upload to the system that then goes to your DoT for approval – noting that some Advanced Certificates require an additional Final Qualitative Report that should be uploaded to the checklist in InTrain
- The sequence of training is correctly recorded, and without gaps – time is either listed as training or a break from training. It is important to remember that if you are waiting for an assessment result, but not enrolled in a rotation or actively training, you must be on an approved break. Enrolled rotations or part-rotations will require the appropriate training paperwork to be completed and recorded
- Completion of the mandatory Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Mental Health modules, available via logging in to the RANZCP Learnit platform – noting that this requirement is mandatory for those trainees who commenced training from rotation 1 of 2018 (December 2017 NZ and February 2018 Australia)
- Module 1 – Interviewing an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander patient
- Module 2 – Developing a mental health management plan for an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander patient
- Module 3 – Formulation of a case involving an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander patient.
Commonly identified training gaps
- Not completing all required mandatory Stage 2 Psychotherapy EPAs
- Fewer than 8 Stage 3 EPAs being completed during Stage 3
- No Break-in-Training or enrolled rotation while awaiting last remaining exam / assessment if training time already completed.
All training requirements must be met and be appropriately recorded on the training report before Fellowship applications can be forwarded to the Education Committee and the RANZCP Board.
Notes regarding Advanced Certificate training:
If not completed at the same time as Stage 3 requirements – Advanced Certificate training can be completed as a Fellow-in-Training. Split rotation paperwork will be required if this occurs mid-rotation.
If completed at the same time as Stage 3 training, please note that the certificate will not be awarded at the same time as Fellowship. One of the criteria for the awarding of an Advanced Certificate is that Fellowship be attained, with the delay being kept to a minimum where possible. Fellowship requirements should be considered first when reviewing your training report at the completion of both requirements. There is a little more time to finalise the recording of items on Advanced Certificate checklists.
If you have any questions regarding the above, need assistance with your training record, or would like to ask about a pre-Fellowship audit, please contact the Training team via
1800 337 448 (toll free Australia)
0800 443 827 (toll free Aotearoa New Zealand)
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