Appointed Director, Trainee appointment to the RANZCP Board
2 May 2024
Trainee news
Appointed Director, Trainee – 2024-2025 appointment
We are pleased to advise that Dr Ava Carter, the current Appointed Director, Trainee, has accepted the invitation for re-appointment and will be appointed for a second term, commencing from this year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 22 May 2024 up to the conclusion of the AGM in May 2025.
The Board looks forward to continuing to work with Ava to enhance the trainee voice within the College. The Board also continues to work and reflect on its commitment to building effective mechanisms for our trainees to be engaged with the College.
Appointed Director, Trainee – term extension
In 2022, the College announced a pivotal governance change to appoint an Appointed Director, Trainee, to the Board.
Following a successful two years of having an Appointed Director, Trainee position on the Board, the Board has considered enhancements to this position and recently agreed to a term extension. Re-appointment will now be available for an Appointed Director, Trainee who may serve a maximum of two consecutive one-year terms.
The Board considered several factors before supporting the term extension, including the following:
- The success and value of the Appointed Director, Trainee role;
- Additional commitment that this position may place on a Trainee;
- A shift from providing an annual opportunity to Trainees interested in contributing to the Board;
- Trainee’s progression to Fellowship;
- Acknowledgement that one year may not allow for adequate induction and understanding of Board functions and decision-making processes;
- and, the stability and continuity that this will bring to the Board and the Trainees Advisory Council, as well as support to the Bi-national Council of Trainees (BCT).
Importantly, the Trainees Advisory Council (TAC) supports this approach.
The inaugural and current Appointed Director, Trainees on the Board have provided valuable insights and commitment to the Board and have greatly enhanced board discussions and decision-making processes.
More news & views
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The second annual Trainee Takeover edition of Australasian Psychiatry is out now.