Education and training reports
On this page:
Each year the RANZCP compiles a variety of reports, submissions, or studies on the psychiatry training program. For more details, contact and direct your enquiry to the Education and Training Team.
Training and Assessment update
The Training and Assessment update is a snapshot overview of data published twice per year to monitor RANZCP educational outcomes.
Cohort Progression Monitor
The Cohort Progression Monitor follows the training status of each cohort of RANZCP trainees for the 2012 Fellowship program.
- Cohort Progression Monitor [member log-in required]
RANZCP Trainee Exit Survey
The Exit Survey provides the views of Trainees and SIMGs who have completed the Fellowship Program on their learning experiences and perceptions of the training they received.
- RANZCP Trainee Exit Survey Report [member log-in required]
Historical reports
To request historical documents, please contact