Pathways to FRANZCP
If you are an international specialist psychiatrist, there are three pathways to attaining Fellowship of the RANZCP (FRANZCP).
Substantial comparability pathway
If you complete the RANZCP specialist assessment process and are found to be substantially comparable, you will be invited to complete the substantial comparability pathway.
This is a supervised 12-month work placement. You will complete workplace-based assessments during this time.
Partial comparability pathway
If your specialist assessment results in a partially comparable outcome, you will be invited to complete the partial comparability pathway.
This is a modified version of the Fellowship Program tailored to your skills and experience.
You will complete at least 2 years of supervised training, exams and other workplace-based assessments.
Fellowship Program
If you are not eligible for specialist assessment, or if your assessment result is not comparable, you may apply to join the Fellowship Program.