New labelling system, CAPE, introduced for CPD activities
8 Mar 2024
A new domain labelling system CAPE (Culturally Safe Practice, Addressing Health Inequities, Professionalism, Ethics) has been introduced to make note of the focus of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) activities that doctors are undertaking. This change is in accordance with the revised CPD registration standard set by the Medical Board of Australia and Medical Council of New Zealand.
The labelling system aims to ensure that doctors undertake at least one CPD activity in each domain annually. For example, attending one Peer Review Group meeting that discusses ethics or reading a journal article on the topic would cover the annual requirement for ethics. There are no additional hours required.
The domains are:
C - Culturally Safe Practice
The process of practicing in a culturally safe manner involves acknowledging the inherent power imbalance in a relationship between a psychiatrist and a consumer in their care, particularly in high-risk and challenging contexts, including but not limited to Māori, Aboriginal, and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Learning will acknowledge the cultural diversity of the patient population, and the need for doctors to conduct ongoing critical reflection and self-awareness of their knowledge, skills, attitudes, assumptions, and practising behaviours to provide accessible, safe, and responsive care.
A - Addressing Health Inequities
Learning that acknowledges the differing distribution of resources and opportunities within society and discusses the ways in which doctors can address this inequity.
P - Professionalism
Learning that contributes to high quality care and involves undertaking exercises and activities that enhance the entire practice, aid self-reflection and self-awareness.
E - Ethics
Learning that cultivates and maintains high principles and standards of practice and ethics in respect of psychiatry, to promote fair, honourable and proper practice and discourage and suppress malpractice or misconduct therein, to settle doubtful points of practice and questions of professional usage.
Updates to 2024 CPD Program Guide
Tables of Activities in the 2024 CPD Program Guide have been updated with suggested domains, noting that others may also be applicable. Attending one Peer Review Group meeting that discusses Culturally Safe Practice or reading a journal article on the topic would cover the annual requirement for C - Culturally Safe Practice.
There have also been some changes made to the My CPD System. The College is working on automating the recording of CAPE domains by tagging content in LearnIt and other College activities.
For self-reported activities, tick-box recording of each CAPE domain has been added to every CPD activity page to replace the existing tick box for cultural safety and health inequity. The Professionalism domain is already pre-ticked for each activity but the content or topic of an individual CPD activity may additionally cover C, A and E. There is also a dashboard graph that tracks and marks off your completion of each domain.
For further information, please contact the CPD team
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