The Medical Board of Australia is reminding all doctors about enrolment in a CPD Home
21 May 2024
Australian members may have received an email from the Medical Board of Australia reminding them about CPD Homes. The RANZCP is the CPD Home for all members, and your annual fee includes enrolment in the College’s CPD Home at no additional cost. All College Fellows, affiliates, trainees and Specialist International Medical Graduates (SIMG) are automatically enrolled in the RANZCP CPD Home.
The College will report your compliance with the CPD program through your My CPD record if you are a Fellow or Affiliate. Compliance for active trainees will be reported using your InTrain record. Trainees who are on a prolonged break in training (more than 9 months) are currently being contacted by the College and enrolled into the My CPD “Break in Training” CPD program at no additional cost. Compliance for SIMG candidates will be reported through other College systems.
If you haven’t already, developing your PDP is a good idea, making sure that you describe your scope of practice.
When you renew your registration this year, you will be asked not only to confirm that you have completed your CPD requirements but also to nominate your CPD Home. The answer you should give is the RANZCP.
If you have any queries about CPD contact the CPD team either by phone:
- Toll free: 1800 337 448 (calling from Australia)
- Toll free: 0800 443 827 (calling from Aotearoa New Zealand)
- Or email
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