Foundation partners

Foundation Partners are the heart of philanthropy at the College, supporting research and scholarships to drive change and create a world of potential.
The initiative was launched in April 2024 and thanks to the incredible generosity and vision of our members, the first Foundation Partners PhD scholarship (valued at $60,000) was awarded to Dr Sean Halstead in December 2024.
How it works
Foundation Partners make an initial gift of $2,000.
These gifts are pooled to create new grants and scholarships. There is no ongoing commitment, but we hope you will join for more than one year. One-off donations and group membership are also welcome.
Reasons to join
Supporting research, advancing psychiatry, and improving mental health – there are many reasons to become a partner of the RANZCP Foundation:
- You can open opportunities for the next generation by creating new scholarships and research grants, providing flexible funding opportunities across the full spectrum of psychiatry.
- You can have a say and help determine the focus of grants and how funds are used.
- You can see your gift in action, connect with grant recipients, learn about the projects you fund and follow the impact of your giving.
- You can see exactly how your money is spent. There are no overheads, and 100% goes directly to grants, scholarships and projects.
- You can maximise the impact of your giving by leveraging the skills and expertise of our community to invest gifts wisely.
- You will be part of a powerful community of thought leaders leveraging philanthropy to drive change and help unlock funding potential.
- You will help advance the science and practice of psychiatry.

If you are interested in joining the program or have any questions, send us your details and we'll be in touch.
Frequently asked questions
What is my commitment?
Foundation Partners give $2,000 each year. There is no ongoing commitment, but we hope you will join for more than one year to see the impact of your contribution and help us realise our vision.
How will my gift be used?
Your gift will be used collectively with other Foundation Partner gifts to fund new research grants, scholarships and awards in psychiatry as agreed upon by the Foundation Partners and RANZCP Foundation Committee.
How do the Foundation Partners contribute to the Foundation’s work?
Foundation Partners contribute towards determining the direction of the Foundation and how funds are used. Consensus is important to determining our focus area. We will invite experts from across the College to speak to the group about funding trends, gaps, and opportunities to make an impact. Ultimately, the Foundation Committee is responsible for ensuring that the focus areas and direction proposed by Foundation Partners aligns with the values and mission of the RANZCP Foundation, as well as the strategic direction of the RANZCP.
What have the Foundation Partners achieved so far?
In 2024, the program launched its first dedicated grant to encourage and support Fellows to undertake PhD research. Named in honour of Foundation Partners, this grant aims to support clinically focused PhD research. The grant is for up to $60,000 paid over two years.
How are grants awarded?
All grants are independently assessed, reviewed, and scored by an independent selection panel to maintain a robust and impartial system. Whilst Foundation Partners may have a say in the direction of grants it is essential that the awarding process remain independent.
Are my contributions tax deductible?
Australia: Yes, all donations $2 and over are tax-deductible.
Aotearoa/New Zealand: We are working on securing tax deductibility in NZ. If this is of interest to you, please let us know so we can keep you updated.
Who can join?
Anyone. All Fellows, Affiliates and trainees of the College are automatically eligible for membership. All other supporters must be approved by the RANZCP Foundation Committee.
How will I know if I am making a difference?
We will provide regular updates and meet at least twice each year to examine the projects we have funded and determine the impact the group has had.
What is the reporting structure?
The RANZCP Foundation Committee is responsible for reporting to the RANZCP Board and ensuring that all actions and focus areas of the Foundation Partners Program align with the strategic direction, charitable status and reputation of the RANZCP.
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309 La Trobe St
Melbourne, Victoria 3000
ABN 68 000 439 047
The RANZCP is a registered charity with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission.