Breaks, part-time and withdrawal from training
Break in training
Trainees may interrupt their training at any time. A break in training is a period of interrupted training that has been approved by the relevant committee.
Trainees on an approved break in training for the entire training year must pay an annual fee (Band E, 0–2.99 months of training to be completed in training year) to maintain their training record. Part-time fees apply when less than 9 months of training over the whole training year is to be completed
While on a break in training, trainees are able to undertake the following:
- Written exams, MCQ, CEQ and MEQ
- Clinical Competency Assessment—Modified Portfolio Review
- Scholarly Project (with appropriate supervision)
- Psychotherapy Written Case (write-up and submission only).
Trainees on a break in training are not able to undertake:
- Psychotherapy Written Case (the psychotherapy)
- a rotation-based targeted learning program.
Breaks in training may have implications under the Failure to Progress Policy. Trainees can take 5 calendar years (cumulative) of breaks in training before being required to submit a training review application to the Committee for Training (CFT) as to why they should remain in the Fellowship Program. Applications for breaks of longer than 2 consecutive years require an outline of exceptional circumstances and will be reviewed by the CFT.
Leave and Interruptions to Training Policy and Procedure [PDF; 57 KB].
Break-in-training/Not-in-training form [Available on InTrain]
Not in training (unapproved interruption to training)
A trainee will be considered to be not in training if they:
- interrupt their training but do not seek and gain approval for a break in training
- have gaps between their rotations of more than 1 calendar week (the College needs to account for all time in the Fellowship Program).
A Director of Training must advise the College that a trainee is no longer actively training nor on an approved break in training so that the absence can be tracked on the trainee’s record.
A trainee may accrue 12 months (cumulative) of not-in-training time before they will be required to submit a training review application to the CFT to remain in the Fellowship Program.
Trainees are not eligible to undertake any aspect of the Fellowship Program while not in training.
Part-time training
Training may be undertaken on a part-time basis. Typically, part-time training must amount to a minimum of 0.5 full-time equivalent (FTE) training in order to be accredited under the RANZCP Fellowship Regulations 2012.
Part-time fees apply when less than 9 months of training over the whole training year is to be completed.
Part-time Training Policy [PDF; 39 KB].
Part-time training form [PDF; 75 KB]
Withdrawal from training
Withdrawal from training form [PDF; 312 KB]
Exit and re-entry into training
Exit and re-entry into training policy and procedure [PDF; 121 KB]
Application for trajectory adjustment
Trainees may submit an application to the Committee for Training (CFT) to adjust their individual training trajectory due to exceptional circumstances prior to approaching the deadlines as depicted on the Trainee Progress Trajectory [PDF; 77 KB]. Applications can be made at any point during training and should include:
- the reason(s) for the application
- a plan outlining the proposed course of action to complete the Fellowship requirements
- any other relevant information (e.g. medical certificate, references, statements showing how trainee has progressed to date)
- correspondence from the supervisor/Director of Training (DOT)/Branch Training Committee (BTC); if the trainee does not wish to seek DOT/BTC support, they should express their reasons in the application.
Any applications for individual consideration will be considered by the CFT on a case by case basis.
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