CPD opportunity - participate in Accreditation Panels
17 Aug 2023
The RANZCP Accreditation Committee welcomes expressions of interest from members interested in participating in Accreditation Panels for Training Programs (which will require travel) and Formal Education Courses (which are online assessments).
Trainee involvement in accreditation assessments is an essential part of the quality assurance of the Fellowship program. Stage 2 and 3 trainees (and Fellows who have achieved Fellowship within the past twelve months) are strongly encouraged to participate as trainee representative panel members.
Participation as a panel member will meet annual Section 3 requirements of the RANZCP CPD Program.
Submit expressions of interest to accreditation@ranzcp.org at any time.
For more information, refer to Accrediting posts, programs & courses or search for “accreditation” in the Learnit content library for modules you can complete.
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