7 December 2024
On demand until 1 December 2025
Organised by
RANZCP FoundationThis recorded Masterclass will give you up to 3.5 CPD hours. It can be purchased online and accessed at any time until 1 December 2025.
“Best educational experience I've had in a long time.”
Dr Cornelia Ciesla, MBBS, FRANZCP
“This was one of the best CPD events I had been to all year!”
Dr Megan Eddy, MBBS, FRACGP, B Physio (Hons), FFPMANZCA
“Is my patient peri-menopausal… and what should I do about it?’
“Not pregnant, just looking”… but what should I do with their psychiatric meds?”
“Help, my patient has brought a baby into the room… what should I do?”
Watch the RANZCP Foundation Masterclass on Perinatal and Women’s Mental Health, featuring leading experts in the field. Professor Jayashri Kulkarni explores the impact of gonadal hormones on mental disorders like PMDD and depression, while Dr Michelle Smith discusses managing psychotropic medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Professor Anne Buist provides practical strategies for enhancing parent-child relationships in families affected by mental illness.
This is not just secret women’s business, it is part of the circle of life and core general psychiatry business. Gain up to 3.5 CPD hours and valuable insights, evidence-based practices, and strategies to improve women’s mental health outcomes.
Hormones and women’s mental health - an overview
Professor Jayashri Kulkarni, AM
Professor Kulkarni provides an overview of gonadal hormone impact on neurochemistry & neurocircuitry. The specific clinical mental disorders of PMDD, perinatal and menopausal depression will be discussed with a focus on hormone aetiology and treatments. Data from Professor Kulkarni’s clinical trials and other researchers’ work will be presented along with clinical cases and safety recommendations to encourage clinicians to consider gonadal hormone treatments. The role of trauma in brain vulnerability to hormone fluctuations will be discussed.
Psychotropic medications in the perinatal period
Dr Michelle Smith
Dr Smith provides an overview of the management of psychotropic medications in pregnancy and breastfeeding, an update on the risks and benefits of psychotropic medications in pregnancy and postpartum, and the complexities of prescribing in the perinatal period, considering limitations of the evidence available.
Working with parents with mental illness and their babies to improve long-term outcome
Professor Anne Buist
Professor Buist covers attachment issues in mothers with mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, bipolar, depression and anxiety, where both illness and transgenerational factors may be at play.
This session covers how to identify these issues and work with both mothers and fathers. Practitioners will hear practical ways to support parents with reading cues and preventing their own issues from interfering with their relationships and child development, improving infant outcomes overall.
Member Type | Price |
RANZCP Fellow or Affiliate Member | $195 |
RANZCP Trainee | $160 |
PIF member | $100 |
Other medical practitioner | $215 |
Allied health / non-medical | $160 |

Professor Jayashri Kulkarni AM
Professor Kulkarni graduated from Monash Medical School in Melbourne, Australia, in 1981. She became a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists and was awarded a PhD from Monash University in 1997 for her thesis, Women and Psychosis.
Jayashri Kulkarni was appointed Professor of Psychiatry at The Alfred and Monash University in 2002. She founded and directs two large psychiatry research centres, the Multidisciplinary Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre (MAPrc) and HER Centre Australia, with over 200 staff and students, conducting over 130 clinical trials. She has won numerous awards and accolades for her work with mental health patients, including an Order of Australia in 2018 and two FRANZCP Awards in 2024: Senior Researcher and the Ian Simpson Award for clinical innovation. Women's Mental Health is Professor Kulkarni's major area of interest and research.
She was the President of the International Association for Women's Mental Health from 2017-2019. In 2021, Professor Kulkarni developed, established and directed Australia's first Women's Mental Health Hospital in Cabrini Health, where innovative treatments are provided for women with a range of mental illnesses.
Professor Kulkarni graduated from Monash Medical School in Melbourne, Australia, in 1981. She became a Fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists and was awarded a PhD from Monash University in 1997 for her thesis, Women and Psychosis.
Jayashri Kulkarni was appointed Professor of Psychiatry at The Alfred and Monash University in 2002. She founded and directs two large psychiatry research centres, the Multidisciplinary Alfred Psychiatry Research Centre (MAPrc) and HER Centre Australia, with over 200 staff and students, conducting over 130 clinical trials. She has won numerous awards and accolades for her work with mental health patients, including an Order of Australia in 2018 and two FRANZCP Awards in 2024: Senior Researcher and the Ian Simpson Award for clinical innovation. Women's Mental Health is Professor Kulkarni's major area of interest and research.
She was the President of the International Association for Women's Mental Health from 2017-2019. In 2021, Professor Kulkarni developed, established and directed Australia's first Women's Mental Health Hospital in Cabrini Health, where innovative treatments are provided for women with a range of mental illnesses.

Dr Michelle Smith
Dr Michelle Smith is a consultant perinatal psychiatrist and Clinical Director of the Mother-baby unit at St John of God Burwood Hospital. She is the Clinical lead of the Perinatal Infant Mental health service at Prince of Wales hospital, Sydney. Michelle is Senior lecturer in perinatal mental health at UNSW.
Dr Michelle Smith is a consultant perinatal psychiatrist and Clinical Director of the Mother-baby unit at St John of God Burwood Hospital. She is the Clinical lead of the Perinatal Infant Mental health service at Prince of Wales hospital, Sydney. Michelle is Senior lecturer in perinatal mental health at UNSW.

Professor Anne Buist
Anne Buist is the Chair of Women's Mental Health at the University of Melbourne. She has 35 years of clinical and research experience in perinatal psychiatry, including being a director of mother-baby units in public and private for over twenty years and directing the Beyondblue postnatal depression program. She also writes fiction about mental health.
Anne Buist is the Chair of Women's Mental Health at the University of Melbourne. She has 35 years of clinical and research experience in perinatal psychiatry, including being a director of mother-baby units in public and private for over twenty years and directing the Beyondblue postnatal depression program. She also writes fiction about mental health.
Terms & Conditions
CPD Hours
This Masterclass will give you up to 3.5 CPD hours.
RANZCP Member:
We will upload your registration to MyCPD portal as a draft activity. Instead of receiving a certificate of attendance, you'll need to log in to your MyCPD account to complete a reflection and submit your draft activity. Instructions on completing draft activities.
If you are not a member of the RANZCP, you may request a certificate of attendance by emailing Please check with your certifying organisation if you are eligible for CPD points for the masterclass.
Delegate Cancellation
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This session is a Member benefit of the RANZCP and for educational purposes only.
The information may represent views of the author and not necessarily the views of the College. Information is subject to change and the College does not warrant that the information is current at the time of viewing and accepts no liability for any loss or damage suffered by you or a patient directly or indirectly as a result of relying on information provided and should not be a substitute for individual clinical judgement.
By accessing e-learning sessions you also agree to the RANZCP Website Terms of Use Agreement.
This Masterclass will be recorded, and the on-demand version will be available until 1 December 2025.